Chapter 4 Woltka

Woltka Github Link

Woltka is a bioinformatics toolkit designed for microbiome studies that processes metagenomic sequencing data to produce taxonomic and functional profiles. It allows researchers to classify reads, aggregate them by various biological or functional units, and perform ecological and comparative analyses, making it useful for understanding microbial community structure and function.

Woltka is already installed in the Lab Group Conda environment.

Here is the way to access it:

  1. Access the HPC Cluster: Connect to the HPC cluster using cluster/_pioneer Shell Access.

  2. Activate Conda: Conda is already installed on the HPC. To activate Conda, run the following command:

source /mnt/vstor/SOM_PQHS_LXZ716/software/miniconda3/bin/activate
  1. Activate the Woltka Environment: To activate the Woltka environment, use the following command:
conda activate woltka